Friday, September 11, 2009

Other Views on Barak

By chance I happened upon a post by Daniel Larrison on Barak Obama. Grumpy Old Man in the comments brings up an opinion that many probably have about Derrida as well. "Immanentize that eschaton!" I guess I don't know what else to do besides that. Continue in agressive military strategies (McCain), or forgive my perhaps misplaced worries Paul supporters, stick our heads in the sand regarding other nations? Obama seems to diffuse a lot of tension, imo, but is this the Oprah-it of the masses? What would Paul say to Russia, Iran, N. Korea and Israel? "I don't care, do it your way." Perhaps there's a different way than isolationism. I think Obama would have a more direct conversation and try to openly understand and use diplomacy to cool jets. I used to roll my eyes at people pushing diplomacy. "Yeah, like that'll work with Sadam and Arafat." But now with a new generation of world leaders, maybe closer diplomatic relations are possible. I feel that this is a new age we're entering. Forgive my naive optimism.

I've read a lot of opinions on Kosovo and mainly I think that the west is not tuned in to think about the Orthodox at all. Orthodoxy seems to elude those who aren't looking for it. A fellow catechumen at Church was surprised that on his second assignment in a German town he saw an Orthodox Church that he must have driven by many times on his first assignment but never noticed. I never knew about Orthodoxy until I was considering Catholicism only 4 years ago. So I guess I'm not surprised that it passes under most people's radar and consideration, including our politicians. But President Bush has met a lot with Orthodox leaders so I don't know what he's thinking. Also Slobodan Milosevic gave Serbia a bad name so I'm not surprised at the lack of consideration by the uninformed.

Here's what Barak says,

All the people of Kosovo, be they of Albanian, Serb or other origin, must be able to live in a free, tolerant and prosperous society where minority rights and religious sites are fully protected, and the people of Kosovo have a stake in one another’s success.

Serbia and its people have also suffered terribly over the past two decades. Serbs deserve a more peaceful, prosperous, and hopeful future. This month’s re-election of President Boris Tadic was a critical step in moving Serbia closer to the goal of full integration into the democratic West, including membership in Euro-Atlantic institutions that can help bring more stability and prosperity to the people of Serbia. Serbia ultimately belongs in the European Union. The EU and Serbia should rapidly deepen their ties, a move that would help demonstrate to the Serb people that they are indeed genuinely part of the West.

I honor the service of all Americans, military and civilian, who have worked so hard to bring peace to the Balkans. The United States must continue to work with our European allies on behalf of the security and prosperity of the entire region. I am convinced that, with our support, Serbia and Kosovo can emerge as models of democratic and economic growth, and their people can know a bright future. (source)

Would Ron Paul try to protect Orthodox Churches and Monasteries in Kosovo? Anyway, we pray for our Civil Authorities to provide a way for us to practice our faith in peace. I'll pray for the same in Kosovo. National borders are meaning less and less to me other than that.

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