Friday, September 11, 2009

Trying to set a record for the most posts in a day...

Every now and then you just have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start all over again, as the song goes. So in view of our house being honored with company tomorrow, I've loosed the kids from their video games, though one was still doing homework, and told them to re-organize their rooms. I swept the leaves that had already passed the skimmer and had drifted to the bottom of the pool into two piles, and now I guess I need to vacuum them. As far as knowing what to do, as I've said before, it is my prime task to keep the swimming pool clean for many reasons: The clean, sparkly, beautiful blue, rippling water looks so great from the windows, it gets me outside and puts my gross, as distinguished from fine, endorphin-releasing motor skills to use, and touching water which is connected to the cup offered the Samaritan Woman is therapeutic.

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